Breakfast, Schmreakfast

Friday, May 23, 2008

Since I'm all Stay-at-Home Momma again, I've been reveling in getting my Domestic on. This morning I woke up early to prepare a fancy sit down family breakfast. On a school day. I'd baked a loaf of bread the day before. That's right. Baked it. Myself. I wanted to put it to use before it went stale. So I made those lucky, loved, looked-after boys Vanilla French Toast on a school day and felt damn smug about it too. Can you say June Freakin' Cleaver?

The Wee One opted out of the French Toast Festivities and chose Corn Pops instead. And The Eldest refused to sit at the table and instead sulked up the stairs with his plate, dripping a trail of syrup the whole way.

Rhetorical question: is it ever okay to call your kids Douchebags?
